Fireworks and Seether

Well, I just got back from watching our local fireworks spectacle. It was great as usual, and this year I decided to bring my iPod along so I could listen to a little Seether. Fragile was what I listened to, and it added a whole other element to watching the fireworks.

So what song really stood out? Stay and Play. It went with the fireworks so well. It’s a fast paced song and there are lots of little parts that would hit just right with the fireworks.

Like the lyric, “Do you want to play with may-eh (me)”. The fireworks would explode just when he would sing may-eh and really punctuate the word. And also when he would repeat, “Come on stay and play”. Sometimes the fireworks would explode just when he said play. It was perfect.

It might have been one of those things that you just had to be there for. LOL

Did anyone else listen to Seether today? Maybe during the fireworks like I did?

Seether Freak

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